
Showing posts from October, 2021
  8 Construction Marketing To Do’s to become Word of The Mouth Either you are a CEO of a big construction company or a one-man army for your small-scale construction business, you should never underestimate the level of influence marketing do have on your revenue. Especially those general contractors who are doing it all by themselves, when it comes to marketing their construction company, they think of it as a task out of their budget or not too important to worth their time. But in this digital era, even spending few bucks on online marketing for a consistent amount of time can go very far. Therefore have brought 8 construction marketing to do’s for their general contractors’ friends and construction business owner that can literally make them word of the mouth. Some of these marketing to-do’s you might have already done or find a bit difficult to make happen. But the further you go in this checklist of to-dos the closer you will get to becoming a word of ...
  8 Most Common Types of Construction Contractors ( to get your home built) If you are reading this you can be someone who wants to renovate, remodel or build your home, Or maybe interested in becoming a construction professional yourself. Either way, this is the post that can answer your query. To answer, types of construction contractors, we must understand that the answer depends upon the size of the project, the type of project, and the perspective in which one is asking it. What is a construction contractor? In general term contractors or sub-contractors are those construction professional that performs some task in a construction project. They can be part of a company or can be working as individuals. Here we will be discussing only the  8 most common types of construction contractors  that work as specialists. The Contractors are coordinated by a  general contractor  who is responsible for meeting up the deadline and budget of a construction project. Most...
  HOW TO REMOVE THE WALLPAPER GLUE (IN 3 SIMPLE TABLE OF CONTENTS STEP 1: Cover Floor, Furniture, and Electric outlets STEP 2: Prepare the glue remover STEP 3: Apply the glue remover If you had a wallpaper that has left behind stubborn glue and its stain, at a different spot, then this is the post to bear with. Removing wallpaper  and removing the wallpaper glue are different tasks that shouldn’t be confused together for the sake of the time each of the tasks may take. And as the matter-of-fact walls can’t be renovated without getting rid of the glue from previous wallpaper. Therefore, we came up with this post that can solve your problem. Sometimes glue behind the wallpapers kept sticking on the wall no matter how many times you clean them with a sponge and warm water. For such scenarios, we have come up with some DIY ways to get rid of the wallpaper glue from your wall. Though the task is still time-consuming and laborious yet effective in all ways. Can absolutely help you t...